A review by myntop
The Final Seven by Erica Spindler


I won a copy of this book from the GoodReads Giveaways program.

I really enjoyed the idea of this story and this world. The characters were very well developed, you felt as if you'd gotten to know the main characters pretty well by the end of the book. It's also mixed two genres which I do love to read, cop mysteries and paranormal. If you like either one, I think you'd be a fan of this book. I also really loved the dynamic between the two main characters Zach and Micki. They played well off one another and as I was reading, I could just see this sort of Cop TV show playing out in my head. Bringing in the paranormal aspect of the story just enhanced it for me...people with special abilities beyond our understanding intrigues me and the fight of good vs. evil will never get boring. The ending made it obvious there would be more to the story, but not such a cliffhanger that we're left annoyed until book 2 comes out. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and any readers of either genre.