A review by cala_p
Twisted Emotions by Cora Reilly


Wow, wow, wow! This book!

While Twisted Loyalties was the tie to connect this series to the previous one, this almost feels like the official start of the series. Fabiano did not go deep into the mafia lifestyle, but this one is right up there. And just like book 1 of the Born in Blood Chronicles, this one begins with an arranged marriage.

Nino was a hard character to figure out in the previous books, but I really enjoyed his portrayal of this one. While he is business-like, and saw the union as nothing more than that, he also treated it with a bit of emotion. He was understanding of the situation for Kiera, he played along with Luca’s rules, he was never cruel to her. The book made multiple claims on how the Vegas mafia seems worse than New York’s, but this book definitely shows otherwise. Maybe it’s just the traditionalist community New York’s is bound in, maybe it’s the types of characters...whatever it is, I found Vegas to be a lot more relaxing. The Falcone brothers are made out to be deadly creatures, but when reading, I was never scared of them. In comparison, Luca and Matteo had a deadly air around them, but Nino and Remo seem much more relaxed. Nino and his brothers are much more down to earth.

As per every good arranged marriage, Kiera should have been a virgin, but this was something taken from her years ago. The book did a wonderful job with portraying her discomfort, fear, and trauma, and also unpacking the trauma and getting her to move on. I was scared the fact of what happened to her would be dragged out, but I enjoyed how it was handled early on, and how it was handled in general. I also love how Luca gave permission for it all. I think what they did really speaks to Luca and the Falcone brother’s morals. I enjoy that he didn’t care about such things--also indicating how down to earth he is. Instead the book was able to focus on moving past it.

Going back to Nino, I think he is a very unique and interesting character. Dark romances always claim their characters cannot feel, but this time it’s true. I found it wonderful to read about, interesting, but also sad coming from Kiera’s POV.

I want to give this book 4 stars, only because it unsatisfied me. While he said it at the end, was it for sure true? I felt like the ending was rushed. I’m giving this 4 and not 5, only because I see after Remo’s book is another for these two. Given Nino’s unique disposition, the love parts couldn’t be rushed and I suspect two books were always planned for them. So I will hold off and wait for more.

This plot ends with the brothers getting ready to complete Remo’s plan. I look forward to getting to Twisted Pride and seeing how it all unfolds!