A review by librarygurl
Doomed by Chuck Palahniuk


While Damned was just fun, Doomed took the plot to a nonsensical level. The main problem is that I don't believe Madison exists. My problem focuses on two issues. First, I don't believe her voice. She doesn't speak like a 13 year old girl. In one moment she has the vocabulary of a teenager preparing for the SATs and in the next moment she speaks like a 3 year-old realizing the body does gross things. She doesn't even speak like a member of her own generation. Blog entries don't typically begin with a salutation, blog readers aren't Tweeters (which in the audiobook sounded just a bit like tweakers). I don't think bloggers would post multiple entries within moments of each other.
Second, I don't think Palahiuk fully understood which generation he was writing about. If Maddy is 13, a very late millennial, and her parents met at Woodstock 1999, then Camille and Antonio are early Gen Xers. They were not bra burning and draft dodging. Camille's parents were not dancing with Lindy. They were probably Baby Boomers. I felt, as I listened, that Palaniuk had taken a specific experience and tried to adapt it to modern generations. Except he forgot to change the generations.