A review by jen286
Indian Summer by Aaron Mahnke


Indian Summer was an odd read for me. The way it was written made it not as suspenseful/scary as it should have been. That and the evil thing that was after them was kind of lame...

The book opens with what happened twenty years ago, what happened to Kenny. Now for some reason twenty years later the remaining friends are being killed off. The one friend is a cop so he searches the crime scenes looking for evidence (even though he is not on the case). What does he find? Quills. Like from a porcupine. And that is the scary element of the book. The one guy, Bill, saw quills one day when they were all in Dogtown before the accident. The quills. They are supposed to be really creepy/scary/whatever. Bill seems to be terrified of the quills, but they were just...not scary to me. I kept thinking of a porcupine and well...they don't instill terror in me. I was just like aw, porcupine. So the quills didn't work for me.

When you find out what is going on, who is responsible, what is really attacking them and why it didn't help the suspense. I just kind of rolled my eyes and said okay and finished reading the book. It was a quick read so that was good. The real issue though is the writing style. It is kind of clinical and detached so you don't really get attached to the characters. The beginning, what happened twenty years ago, was kind of boring to read. I thought it would pick up once it came to the present, but it didn't. It was better, but is still kept that detached clinical feel that prevented me from really identifying with the story.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland