A review by lalabristow
Hangman by Stephan Talty


I confess, I am utterly obsessed with Mystery/Thriller/Pol. Procedural series. Danielle from ALPHA Reader got me hooked on Karin Slaughter and the rest as they say, was history.
Between paranormal novels and catching up with my beloved series, I find myself in search of new serial killery new series and lo and behold, Netgalley came to the rescue with Hangman. Obviously, I had to read the first book in the Absalom Kearney series, Black Irish, first. Thanks G-d I loved it!
I really enjoy a fish out of water story and Absalom is a fascinating fish to watch while she tries relentlessly to swim against the prejudicial current. Did I go too far with the analogy? Sorry lol
In Hangman Abbie is still that fish, maybe a little less so than in Black Irish, but she is still fighting against the fact that she is not seen as one of them. All this in a little town in yhe state of New York that probably has more Irish people than Ireland :)
I love me a great psychological/serial killer story with heart and this is exactly what Stephan Talty delivers in this this fantastic sequel. Abbie is such a lovable character that I just wanted to grab a beer with her and hear her rant all night.
I absolutely adored Hangman and I really hope Stephan Talty keeps telling Abbie's story. If you love Mystery/Thrillers like I do, this is definitely a series to watch!