A review by thebookishtales
The Sari Of Surya Vilas by Vayu Naidu, Vayu Naidu


This book was a total cover buy because of the beautiful South Indian lady, her jewellery and the landscape behind. But did I like the book? Read on to find out.
Here are some buzz words to interest you: Historical fiction, heirloom sari, family saga and most important Chennai😍
This book is set in two time periods 1857 and the 1900's in Madras (Chennai) and the Coromandel coast. It's divided in two parts.
Allarmelu's, (the protagonist) mother dies and leaves behind an heirloom sari which is passed down from generations. The sari goes missing and Allarmelu must trace it since it's the only memory of her mother. It was her mother's dying wish that she (Allarmelu) take care of the sari.
In 1857, the East India company sets fire to the many sari looms on the Coromandel coast and send an orphaned girl, Chandrika later converted to Christina to England. She carries a legacy of a sari with her from the Coromandel.
The book has a really interesting plot but it couldn't hold my attention. It started off really well, but the charm fizzled out towards the end. The plot changes were abrupt. But, Vayu Naidu writes well. The writing was really beautiful.
I don't think I'll recommend this book to you. It was a mediocre read for me. However I liked the mentions of tiffin, filter coffee with chicory 😍 and murukku😍 all of it made me very nostalgic about my vacations spent at my Maushi's place in Ranipet.