A review by kaitlin_durante
Upside Down by N.R. Walker


4 stars.
There were enough positive aspects of this book that I feel confident in my 4 star rating.
-Jordan and his ramblings and outbursts.
-The cute and aw factor that came with Jordan and Hennessy getting to know each other on the bus.
-All the side characters from Merry and Angus to the bus crew.
-The writing because N.R. Walker is an excellent writer.

The negative aspects are more personal preferences but hey it's my review so I get to have them.
-Hennessy and his repetitiveness whether it be about asexuality and how every little situation applies or about how perfect Jordan is. This got old quickly and I found myself not liking him as much as a character for this reason.
-How this could be considered one of the lowest angst reads I've read in a long time. I don't need every book to have explosions and guns but when the conflict arose I was like oh snap, oh it's been settled the next day, oh alright I guess.

Overall this book was sweet and if you're interested in a relationship between two asexual men this is the book for you.