A review by danperlman
The Man Who Ended the World by Jason Gurley


Without wanting to give away the plot it makes it hard to discuss this book in much detail. Suffice it to say that I thought it was a really interesting premise, and well developed, if, at moments, a bit unbelievable - but then, that's a part of much of SF, no? It's quite well written as well. I only have two real criticisms - first, that the antagonist character's motivation for what he does isn't particularly developed - it's stated as if it's a matter of fact outcome of his life experience, with no details of that provided, and certainly not an absolutely certain or logical outcome from what little is presented; and second, the ending, the last chapter, was just a bit too predictable, almost as if the author had said, okay, I've told the story I want to tell, let me just wrap this up in some way that doesn't take much thought.