A review by bookedandbusybookblog
#MomFail: 24 Authors & 24 Mom-Coms by B.L. Berry, Carina Adams, Stephie Walls, Gia Riley, Piper Rayne, Allie York, Kate Anslinger, Leddy Harper, L.L. Collins, LK Collins, A.M. Willard, Marie James, S.M. West, Faith Andrews, C.G. Burnette, Teresa Michaels, Stephanie Rose, T.L. Swan, Riann C. Miller, Dylan Allen, J.A. DeRouen, Shari J. Ryan, Claudia Burgoa


#MomFail is 24 different authors, with 24 quick, different stories that reminded me I’m not alone in this crazy thing we call motherhood. While my babies are now teenagers, this book brought me back to so many things that went wrong back then that I can surely laugh about now!!

Sixteen years ago, I had no clue. I just turned 25 and was so unprepared for a baby. The doctor told me it would take YEARS for me to get pregnant. Four months later, I was rearranging my entire life for the baby that was on the way. Two years later, I did it again. What the hell was I thinking?!?!

I’ve laughed with my two crazy kids, I’ve yelled, I let my son roll out of my arms once when I fell asleep, feed them McDonald’s WAY many times, missed out on really important school events, cried when my son had surgery at two months old, forgot the damn PTA cupcakes, held my daughter when she broke up with her first boyfriend. So many things have happened….and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Reading #MomFail brought me back to those days when I didn’t have a clue what to do with those babies. I was very fortunate to be able to stay home with my daughter and son (and actually my nephew and niece as well) and truly enjoyed every moment. #MomFail helped me laugh at all my mistakes and realize that my kids are just fine (so far, we’ve got a few more years).

Do my kids drive me crazy? All the time. Do I sometimes stock up on alcohol and spend a small fortune at the hairdresser covering the grey? Yes. Have I made mistakes when it comes to them? Absolutely. The thing is, one day they will be in my shoes, and I’m gonna sit back and laugh. Then I’ll hand them a copy of #MomFail and let them know they are not alone.

Now...if someone will write the book to deal with the teen years, that’d be great. Thanks.