A review by emashreadingfast
The Great Dune Trilogy by Frank Herbert


I’ve been through some SHIT reading this book and it did not help me with said shit. Sorry to this man Herbert. You probably will like this book if any of the following pertain to you: you run marathons or do long distance biking. You are vegan but only for health reasons. You have a soul sucking job that makes a ton of money. You drink coffee black and in the evenings because “caffeine doesn’t affect me.” You can possess these qualities and not enjoy the book, or you cannot possess these qualities and enjoy the book. Correlation is not causation. You will also like the book if you like really dense sci fi and politics. I’m just saying there’s a reason it took me 5 months to read it and all I’m left with is the sense of being better than everyone else who quit after the first 10 pages. The writing is very beautiful, but so is the movie! Feel free to just watch the movie if you find the book intimidating.