A review by snoopysnoopy
Every Day by David Levithan


If it were not for the ending, this book deserved one star.
Without giving away anything big, I can tell you that this book is about a soul(?) named "A" (best name ever, ikr) who wakes up every morning in a different body of a 16-year-old teenager.

1.) Love story: cliche.
He wakes up in a random boy, Justin, and immediately falls in love with a girl named Rhiannon (Is that some dinosaur nickname? You mean Rihanna? ). He hangs out with her at the beach, and this dinosaur girl has no idea her boyfriend she's kissing is being possessed by a soul. Next day, "A" wakes up in another body, and he misses her so much. The rest of the book is about "A" stalking this girl.
After numerous creepy approaches as a stranger, "A" decides to confess to her the truth about himself. AND FOR SOME STUPID FREAKING REASON, Rhiannon falls for this creepy kid, and continues to meet him everyday while cheating on Justin. What the heck?

2.) Stereotypical view of teenagers
I'm not 16 yet, but I know this author's portrayal of teens is a big insult to me. So apparently all teenagers are all
-Stupid, has no common sense whatsoever
-goes around skipping school all day
-only care about their boyfriends/girlfriends
or they're suicidal. Excuse me? And especially I would like to point out that nobody uses their email and argues with strangers (and no, nobody acts like Nathan, that kid who wouldn't stop emailing "A" convinced he's a demon sent from hell. Which he kinda is)

I woke up...and I ate breakfast...and I went to school...and I came home....hung out with friends...and then I emailed my girlfriend trying to express my dearest feelings for her...and then I went to sleep
Basically you read this with some variations over and over again. 20 times.

4.) Dialogue sucks :(
Some authors rock at using dialogue, and every word a character says out loud has great meaning. But in this book, the author decided to use dialogue as a robotic narration--not even my English teacher talks like that. And the characters from this book never stop talking in long, long paragraphs.

5.) "A" makes no sense at all
So sometimes in the book, "A" says something very deep and meaningful about life. Things that a 60 year old grandfather would be telling to his grandchildren, trying to teach them an important lesson on how to live. No way a 16 year-old's mind would think like this.
Also, "A" is very...weird. I don't understand how he fell in love with Rhiannon in the first place, but he never seems to get tired of stalking her while begging her to break up with Justin. He expects a pleasant reaction from Rhiannon, although he shows up everyday in different people's bodies. One day he a hulky hairy football player, the next he's a depressed girl, then he's in "Beyonce's body", and after that he's a goth girl.

I rarely hate books. But this book was too disappointing.
It could have been much better.