A review by the_epi_reader
Salvage: A Ghost Story by Duncan Ralston


In 1979, the town of Peace Falls was completely flooded to make way for a hydroelectric dam and now everything rests underneath Chapel Lake, except for the steeple of the Blessed Trinity church. Fast forward thirty years later - Owen’s sister, Lori, is found dead in Chapel Lake. Owen begins to think her death was not just an accident when he receives a postcard dated a few days prior to her death with the message “Come as soon you can, Owns. He’s here. Zip.” The town of Peace Falls hides more than just a submerged settlement beneath its waters, but history of religious delirium, and missing members of the Blessed Trinity church. What mysteries did Lori want to uncover in Chapel Lake?

Salvage is a mix of small town ghost story, religious/cult horror, grief and deep sea/diving horror. Going into this book I didn’t know what to expect after hearing so much about Ralston’s Woom novella but I was pleasantly surprised. Salvage was well written, and I wanted to know so badly about Chapel Lake, including its secrets, after reading the book’s synopsis. Ralston did not disappoint and incorporated a plethora of different horror elements to create one great story.