A review by peacelovemath
Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War by Leymah Gbowee


Hard to read about such brutal violence, but an amazing story. Ultimately it's the story of Gbowee herself, and the story of the turmoil in Liberia and its hard road to peace is incident to Leymah's story. I will be discussing this with a book group of Lutheran women tomorrow, and I am interested to hear how they respond; I have a hard time knowing what to "do" (philosophically) with stories like this, because the struggles in my daily life are never going to be this extreme and black-and-white. I do find it valuable to have this kind of insight into what it's like to be in the middle of one of the many extreme conflicts that have happened and are continuing to happen in some African countries, and it has made me curious to learn more about the conflict that is still happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the backdrop of one of my favorite fiction books, [b:The Poisonwood Bible|7244|The Poisonwood Bible|Barbara Kingsolver|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327881914s/7244.jpg|810663], which took place starting in the 1960's, so the conflict there has been going on for WAY longer than Liberia's lasted!