A review by michael_benavidez
To Dust You Shall Return by Fred Venturini


To Dust You Shall Remain centers on a town ruled over by their past. Harlow is a town where no one is allowed to leave, where the town is ruled over by a sinister overlord known only as “the Mayor” and his dedicated followers.
This is a very interesting book. Following two leads – Curtis Quinn, a Chicago mob legend on a mission for revenge and Beth Jarvis, a teenage resident of Harlow with her own penchant for rebellion— the author manages to match his writing style to whichever character he’s currently in the shoes of.
Curtis Quinn is a man with a past who had found love and had it taken from it. As such, Venturini writes him with a pulpy action feel. He hits all the action cliches and then manages to subvert them in a way that feels natural to the character that he has created. Beth Jarvis is a teen who is in her own rebellion from the family and town, and it is with her that we see the author’s shift into something that’s a bit more thriller with a horror always lurking in the shadows. It’s through both of these characters that the town Harlow, and its many residents come to life. Each fill in the blanks for the reader, creating a steady mix of action and horror, keeping the story fun and the mystery alive.

There's not much i can say without spoiling the books and its subversions. Equal parts fun pulp and taut thriller, this books reads fast while keeping you from ever being bored.