A review by stacieladams21
Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben (Novel) Vol. 4 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou


The cover art by Danke and the interior illustrations by Boki and Yubuxiu are 🔥🔥🔥. I won't be able to review this adequately so I'll leave that up to others on here who always do such a great job.  I have not gotten to the point where I have found my feelings for He Yu but I hope it comes soon because this series is 10 volumes. I do feel sorry for HY and have compassion towards his life circumstances but I love Xie Qingcheng so much I need him protected at all costs 💔

I'm HOOKED but also frequently have thoughts like do I *really* like this (I'm still not over the SA) or am I just obsessed with Meatbun and need to know how she makes this all okay.

I feel like this volume did give me a little relief from the intense pain from vol 3 and I enjoyed getting more of XQ's backstory.