A review by michaelontheplanet
Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth


Let my peter go: like Virginia Woolf with an unlimited supply of viagra, Roth's monomaniac sex pest Portnoy can't stop his interior monologue. And joyous stuff it is, ranting on about genitals, intercourse, erections, penetrations, stimulation, simulacra, Jewish parents, women's underwear, and masturbation. Endless masturbation. If forced to categorise this would have to go under Jewish onanism or onanistic Jews. As an eight year old, I looked up masturbation (it sounded like something unpleasant you might need to get a cream from the chemist for) in the ancient Chambers dictionary kept in the study. It didn't have a definition for television. But it did have masturbation. "Self defilement" it stated. Shocked, I avoided it for ages. I wish I'd read this instead. Pure, marvellous filth.