A review by nancyboy
A Phantom Lover by Vernon Lee


vernon lee is literally my profile picture so i guess i better actually read some vernon lee rather than thinking she is a super cool person haha

sadly, it was just fine. i enjoyed the book a lot more than i normally would have because i read some analysis around it however the craft of the novella itself is quite lacking. if i didn't know she was involved in the aesthetic movement i probably wouldnt have guessed she was.

honestly, her sentences are kind of dull and she just doesnt have the craft up there to be more part of the mainstream literary canon. because i know what she is more going for i can see the ambition of her ideas however nothing really works because she honestly lacks skill. i kind of expected it as she only seems to be talked about in academia.

at best this book is fine and worst its kind of dull, forgettable, and perhaps thats one of the worst thing one can say about a book. you may feel different about the book and honestly i really wish i did.