A review by enchantressofbooks
Brash by Laura Wright


Of all the Cavanaugh brothers, I had a feeling Cole would be my favorite. I was right. Possibly the more broken of the brothers, he blames himself for the loss of his twin sister. To deal with pain and angry, he's become a fierce fighter in the ring and lives his life the same way.

What I liked most about this book compared to the previous ones is that the hero and the heroine get to know each other and fall in love over time. You might argue that Mac and Deacon 'knew' each other and were friends, but the truth is they didn't. Not really. With Grace and Cole, due to circumstances and what they were both trying to accomplish individually (Cole trying to find out what happened to his sister and Grace, trying to prove her father had nothing to do with covering anything up), they had to learn to trust each other and get to know one another. I mean, I know the man is one fine specimen of a man, but there's GOT to be more than that to make things work out. Yes, I KNOW its a story. But you read as many books as I do, and these troops become redundant and boring after awhile. Thankfully, Grace stood her ground and there was more between them, than COLE Sexy torso, irresistible smile, those eyes, well, you get it!

We learn a lot more about the mystery that surrounds Cass’s murder, which from a reader's perspective, its a good thing since this is book three of four, and the last book should have all if not most of the answers. A few surprises here and there. Readers I think will be find the information satisfying.

We also get a few glimpses of Mac & Deacon and Sheridan & James. Both couples are entirely too cute with each other! Its also always great to see the brotherly interactions. Their ladies don't hold back either. Grace will fit right in!

Overall a great read that enjoyed very much!! Laura does a great job keeping you on your toes about who killed Cass as well as who some some of the other players are as well and how they all fit into the story. I'm looking forward to reading the next installment and see how Laura ends things and find out exactly what happened to Cass.

We received a complimentary copy of the book from PENGUIN GROUP Berkley, NAL / Signet Romance, in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

This and other reviews available at Viviana, Enchantress of Books