A review by divapitbull
Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews


Visiting with Kate and company just doesn’t get old. In Magic Shifts Kate and Curran have separated from the pack and moved off into suburbia with Julie. They’re trying to enjoy their new-found domesticity while dealing with roving hordes of ghouls and contemplating poverty. Well not poverty exactly; Curran’s actually quite flush. Except that most of his loot is tied up in pack related businesses that apparently aren’t in any position to buy him out – and the new Beast Lord’s best offer is controlling interest in the near bankrupt Mercenary Guild. Then there’s the matter of George showing up on their doorstep asking for help in locating her missing were-buffalo fiancé Eduardo because her bigoted father Mahon won’t get off his fat ass and help because nobody but a Kodiak would do for his daughter. Of course it all turns out to be connected: the ghouls, the Guild and the missing Eduardo.

My favorite moments:
- Dali’s visit to the suburbs.
Kate: Consort, you honor us.
Dali: Fuck you. Fuck your shit. I quit.

- Roland calling Kate “Blossom” and inviting her to dinner at “this low key chain of restaurants I used to frequent before the Shift. I can’t quite recall the name but it had a fruit and an insect in it”.

- Ghastek attempting to tell Kate he means “Applebees” via Pictionary.

- The Curran/Mahon smack down - “What was your duty to my mate when I was comatose? I led the Pack for seventeen years and it failed me when I needed it most. You failed me. My obligation to the Pack is over. You failed to uphold your end of the bargain”.

- Mitchell’s transformation