A review by isabelisalright
A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz


From the title and cover alone this book sounds promising. Even the blurb is promising, but all it manages to do is stumble about and be a weird mix of steampunk and not steampunk. Instead of complaining though I'll break it all down for you.

A seemingly strong female Elle is put into a precarious situation with her father being kidnapped and the 'quick' delivery she was supposed to make. It all turns out to be a huge set up for some terrible things to take place.

The things I liked in this book. The characters were pretty unique and awesome. Lots of treachery and fun to be had by all. It was interesting seeing some of the characters I was suspicious of turn out to be evil. I really liked Marsh and how much he grew throughout the book. Elle seemed like a strong character, but later on she started to fall flat for me.

The things I didn't care for was that the book literally took a turn around 50% of being slow and boring. I almost didn't finish it, but I made myself stick it out. Which the ending was pretty good so I'm glad I did.

Overall I really can't say a lot of good about this book I give it 2.5/5 stars. I was left just not as interested in the end. Don't foresee myself picking up the sequel either. It's definitely more on the trash end of things.