A review by carlisajc
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


Fangirl is lovely, easily one of my favorite contemporaries at the moment. I love its easy style and its lovable characters. And it’s just funny. And relatable. And just wonderful.

I really relate to Cath. I first read Fangirl during my first year of college so I had just experienced everything that Cath had experienced. Stressful roommates, hard college classes and tough professors, *ahem* boys, moving away from home. It was all very new to me so I loved that I could read these experiences from Cath’s point of view. She’s shy like I am and is a total book nerd like I am…I just feel like we would be best friends in real life and I love when I can connect with a character like that.

Also, Levi. I love me some Levi.

I’ve heard people say that they are wary of reading it because it just seems “fluffy,” and I totally get that. A lot of YA contemporaries are totally fluffy…but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. And I don’t think Fangirl necessarily falls into that category. Sure it’s about an 18-year-old girl and, yes, she has run-in’s with attractive boys…but she’s also dealing with really hard family matters and even some depression. It’s a very realistic book, one with feelings and anxieties that most people would be able to relate with on some level. At least that’s what I think.

And reading it a second time, over a year later, I still just love it. I’m still in college so I still have those worries that Cather does, though hopefully to a much lesser degree. Anyway, I really enjoy this book. I think people of any age who like reading, who like contemporaries…will like this book.