A review by nucikore
Death Note One-Shot Special The C-Kira Story by Takeshi Obata, Tsugumi Ohba

I agree to the other reviews; the ending was abrupt. But, if the true reason why Near decided not to pursue C-Kira case is because that was the way he was actually solving it, then I'm in awe.
Think about it - the reason whole Death Note plot happened was because of a bored Shinigami who thought giving his death note to a human and watching the mess that would create would be fun. And the reason it all became so engaging for Ryuk was L's and Light's rivalry and the way they tried to surpass the other.
Knowing or rather deducing that, Near decides not to try and find C-Kira, so that the Shinigami will become bored of it eventually and take his death note back. Thus, solving the problem.

Like, if that's the real reason behind Near's passivity, and not the "L wouldn't take on the case he's not interested in, so I shall not either", then I love this One-Shot.