A review by kirstyreviewsbooks
The Bookshop on Primrose Hill by Sarah Jio


The Bookshop on Primrose Hill by Sarah Jio

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to NetGalley and Orion Dash and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Valentina Baker was only eleven years old when her mother, Eloise, suddenly fled to London, leaving Val and her father on their own in California. Now a librarian in her thirties, Val is fresh out of a failed marriage and utterly disenchanted with life.

One day, Val receives word that Eloise has died, leaving Val the deed to both her mother's Primrose Hill apartment and the bookshop she opened twenty years ago. As Val jets across the Atlantic, she wonders - could this be her chance at a new beginning?

In London, Val finds herself falling in love with the pastel-coloured flat and the cosy, treasure-filled bookshop. When she stumbles across a series of intriguing notes left in a beloved old novel, it's the start of a scavenger hunt that will take her all over London and back in time... but most of all, bring her closer to the mother she lost twice.

Valentina is recently divorced and finds herself inheriting a bookshop in London from her estranged mother. This is one for the booklovers - who will race through this book trying to discover the truth. A cute story, that I raced through.

Rating 4/5