A review by reneesmith
Blue Skies Tomorrow by Sarah Sundin


I should have been born in the 40′s. I love the clothes, the music, the movies. Yes, it was a harrowing period in our history. But a world at war laid bare the issues most important in life, and the times invited people to rise to new challenges. Those who did astounded themselves, and the world, by what they were able to accomplish. They are now called The Greatest Generation.

When I want to visit the 40′s time period, I know I can count on author Sarah Sundin to take me there. Sarah captures the essence of those years in her three-book series, Wings of Glory. This trilogy follows the lives of the Novak brothers, Jack, Walt, and Ray. The last book, Blue Skies Tomorrow, tells Ray’s story.

Ray has a preacher’s heart. He loves nothing better than to teach, counsel, and comfort the folks God brings his way. When lovely Helen Carlisle crosses his path, he is drawn to her sweet spirit and tender heart. Helen, a war widow struggling to raise a young son, blossoms under Ray’s love and attention. However, their time together is cut short when Ray volunteers to give up his stateside assignment and fly bombing missions.

Both Ray and Helen end up fighting the important battles God brings to their separate journeys. Both, in their own way, find themselves pretending to be people they’re not in an effort to survive. And both surprise themselves as they discover the depths of courage God is able to draw from within them. The drama of each character’s story kept me turning pages until the heartwarming, supremely satisfying conclusion.

I often share how the books I read remind me of movies I’ve enjoyed. Many stories in the inspirational market remind me of old movies. Some would say what Christian books and old movies have in common is that they bypass real life to show a sanitized version of truth.

I disagree. I think these genres do take on tough problems and real life situations. But the writers do it with subtlety, restraint, and grace—as Sarah Sundin does.

Want to see what I mean? Follow this link to purchase Blue Skies Tomorrow for yourself. You’ll find yourself humming Glen Miller tunes, styling your hair with pin curls, and wishing your town had an old-fashioned soda fountain.

Follow this link to enter the giveaway at my blog Doorkeeper.