A review by jahangeer
The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business by Josh Kaufman


The personal MBA
Josh Kaufman, this man has some capability of writing, this is just exquisite work from him. 5 stars out of 5. Why? Let's check out
Every business model is based on 5 essential parts.
which are
1.Value creation
4.Value delivery
In simple it is like
1.Creates and delivers something of value
2. That other people want or need.
3. At a price they are willing to pay.
4. In a way that satisfy the customer needs and expectations
5. Bringing in enough money to keep going and make your effort worthwhile.

In first 5 chapter all these essentially business models are discussed in depth and every single things is covered further read the book for in-depth analysis of each of these parts.

Then after covering all the essential elements of how business work then author shift from understanding business to understanding how people work, as the famous saying is " Ninety percent of this game is half mental"
Because the business are built by people for people , so understanding how human minds work it is easy to find better ways to get things done and work more effectively with others.
Personally, speaking I love this book from here on wards as soon as this book start talking about how people work I really get a hook from this chapter onwards everything before was roughly dry even author tried his best, but as soon as this book shifts from understanding the business to understanding the people that's where most of the interest and real pleasure of reading will surround you.
In the chapter of human mind everything related to our brain is well and thoroughly illustrated. Like insights about our brain, our perception, pattern making, motivation, interpretation and reinterpretation, conflicts, absence blindness and association to name a few.
After insight on human mind next chapter is on working with yourself.
As our body and mind are the tools we use to get things done, so learning how to work effectively with ourself makes our accomplishments more enjoyable and easier.
This chapters covers topic like goals, habits,parking,decision, Parkinson law, most important tasks and the growth are the most important.
The chapter that follows after this is working with others.
This chapters covers on how to work with people, how to communicate more effectively, earning respect and trust of others, recognizing the limitations and pitfalls of group Interactions, and lead or manage a team of people more effectively.
This is also an important chapter as working with other people is an ever present part of business and life, we can't escape it.

Up till now book covered everything on how a business work to how a human works, in last part of the book this book talks about understanding systems, analysing system and improving system.

Coming on to overall picture of this book and in a nutshell this book literally have everything covered. And it is beyond one imagination that how precisely and wisely things have been written not just in coherence but also in a very appealing, alluring and captivating way like no section is big enough, the book is divided into sections and every section and topic hardly takes 10 minutes to finish. And last thing that all the typical and intricate things related to business. human mind or even with systems are presented in a very exquisite, logical, rational and practical way. You won't have to bother enough to not only understand but to grasp the idea in a best way possible.