A review by nglofile
Great-Aunt Sophia's Lessons for Bombshells by Lisa Cach

Did not finish book.
Not the book I thought I was reading, and not particularly well-written either.

When Great-Aunt Sophia is by far the most interesting character, why not spend more time with her, rather than having the protagonist skim over their interactions in a series of empty and truncated diary entries? The author also tries to have it both ways: if Grace is the schlubby scholar she is extensively painted as in the opening chapters of the book, it strains all credibility to have her gain the upper hand with a notorious playboy on their very first outing.

In stories like this, it is the transformation that provides the core appeal, which this book lazily attributes to a new dress and a series of remembered bits of advice from off-stage scenes with Sophia. It soon becomes apparent that the plot is simply an excuse to loosely connect a series of steamy seduction scenes, and that isn't how the book is marketed.