A review by knbee
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild


This one gets five stars from me. I found it to be extremely interesting and well-written. From a non-sociologist perspective, I thought her one-issue focus- the environment- was a smart and manageable way to introduce readers not only to the Tea Party philosophy but to some everyday folks who follow it. It was no surprise to me that despite our differences of opinion that I found some of them very likable. What was surprising to me? The environmental state down in bayou country. Holy smokes... I had no idea it is so bad. And I have to say, it is very difficult for me to understand how they are willing to turn a blind eye, especially when the devastation is in their own backyards (literally). So in the end, I'm not sure that I managed to fully climb that "empathy wall" as the author hoped but I definitely found the book to be informative- even if depressingly so.