A review by book_nerd_1
The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson


First of all the language isn't that difficult.
The best thing about this book are the sinister, spooky descriptions of the Night Land.
"The Road Where the Silent Ones Walk", "The Plain of Blue Fire", "The Country Whence Comes The Great Laughter", the watchers, etc.
I wanted more of that and more exploration of those mysteries.
The encounters with monsters, which are almost always just big ugly men, are somewhat exciting, especially the ending, but there's not much of that. It's mostly just walking. And as someone who's read many accounts of long distance hiking, I know the pace he set was impossible, especially because he was wearing armor and carrying the girl half the time.
And then there were endless descriptions of his prehistoric romance with the empty headed girl. She didn't have an actual line in the book.
The powdered water was amusing.