A review by thatpaintedpony
Veil of Shadows by Jennifer Armintrout


I'm not sure how I feel about this book. I picked it up because I love Jenny Trout's blog, not realising it was the third book in a series I haven't read (whoops!) and I have to say kudos to Jenny for that because I was actually able to follow the story surprisingly well considering I had misssed two whole books worth of story. And I tore through it, at times genuinely enjoying it, particularly through the middle. It lost me again a bit at the end, and unfortunately I found Cerridwen to be utterly infuriating and not a character I enjoyed at all. Cedric was fun though, and there was certainly a section through the middle of the book that I found quite entertaining. Perhaps if I had read the previous two books I would have enjoyed it more, hard to say. At any rate, it was fun enough, I didn't hate it, but not sure I'd be reaching for another one any time soon.