A review by jewlzngozi
Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued from the Brink by Gail Hudson, Thane Maynard, Jane Goodall


It's so wonderful to hear of people who are working so diligently to save the species and habitats that are at risk in our world. Just like the title states, this books is filled with stories to inspire hope for our world as well as a desire to join the cause to sustain the animals and ecosystems that we have before it is too late to save them.

I learned about so many cute and fascinating animals that I didn't even know existed and, without the help of the people mentioned in this book, may not have existed to this day. I listened to the audio book which was narrated by Jane Goodall herself. I really enjoyed this book and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Like mentioned in the book, education is a key component in the fight to save our natural world. The more people know about the plants and animals that need saving, the more they will understand and sympathize with the need to save them.