A review by hannahnana73
The Crown by Kiera Cass



I reallyyy enjoyed the first 4 books in this series - like completely went obsessed with them

but srsly - what happened here?!

Don't get me wrong, I love Eadlyn - her sass, attitude and character rocks and [b:The Heir|22918050|The Heir (The Selection, #4)|Kiera Cass|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1422993526l/22918050._SY75_.jpg|42484814] was just amazing...

but here...

spoilers for y'all who want to be enlightened on why you should just stop at [b:The Heir|22918050|The Heir (The Selection, #4)|Kiera Cass|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1422993526l/22918050._SY75_.jpg|42484814] or those who've also had to suffer through this ending...

First of all let's talk about husbands. I was ROOTING for Kile. I mean that. What part of them would NOT be a happy couple?!

Yeah yeah I get that she was sooo selfless and all sending him to the other side of the country BUT CMON KEIRA you can't lead us on and let us all start rooting for Kile after all those swoon-worthy kisses just to swerve and hastily change directions a couple of pages before the book finishes!!!

I mean yeah - Eikko is sweet and all... buttt Kile and Eadlyn were meant to be - sorry Eikko fans.

As I mentioned earlier the ending felt wayyyy too hasty for my liking. And also isn't Eadlyn supposed to be this strong girl who can stand her ground??? Why then is she hastily amending plans after the slightest threat from Madrid??!! Like whyyyy?!

bUT onto other parts of the story:
-really glad Mer made it out alive - that girl is a fighter.
-Ahren and Camille are sooo sweetttttt :)
-I'm glad Josie stopped being such a brat - and am i the only one hoping for maybe a book on her and Kaden???
-HELLO?! How did we not know about Lady Aunt Brice earlier?! DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!

I mean the book wasn't written badly or anything... just a bad decision towards the end... so 3.5/4 stars it is...