A review by kp_hobbitreads
Oh So Oscar by Charlie Novak


#1 Always Eli: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#2 Finding Finn: ★★★★★ | 5 stars
#3 Oh So Oscar: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars

This is a really great conclusion to a fantastic trilogy, and I really appreciated that each of these books felt like their own thing rather than just different versions of the same story. If Eli was snarky and Finn was steamy, Oscar is definitely sweet.

Oscar Moore is a travel blogger who accidently implied to his boss that he has a partner when he pitches a new column idea about travel recommendations for queer couples. And, now he has to convince Ilias Verrati, a photographer Oscar has know casually for a while, to play along on a week long couple's trip to Hawaii. Ilias is Oscar's opposite in nearly every way. While Oscar is calm and quiet, Ilias is outgoing and full of sunshine and not a little bit cheeky. And as they spend more time together they both realize that maybe this fake relationship could be the start of something truly special.

While this is a much slower paced story than the first two books in the series, I think it works really well for the characters. Their story makes sense who who they are, and it was really nice to see two mature adult characters who talk about boundaries and expectations - the communication was A++. I also think the conversations these two have about how their pasts have shaped them and what they want for their future were really lovely. Especially with regards to Ilias past partner and Oscar's feelings around sex and relationships.

Three Thoughts:
1. The demisexual representation was so well done. As a demisexual person myself, I really appreciated the author taking her time and showing us these two getting to know each other and having feelings develop in a way that felt true to Oscar's character.
2. The discussions about traveling to other places and the potential negative impacts of tourism were great. It was nice to see the characters grappling with the moral implications of their jobs.
3. "Because wherever he was in the world, that was where I wanted to be." *swoon*

Loved the little sneak peak we get of Heather Bay in this book, and I can't wait for the new series. I will read anything Charlie Novak publishes as this point.

content warnings: loss of a parent from cancer (in the past), loss of a partner in a car accident (in the past), sex (on page)