A review by laislinns
Back Spin by Harlan Coben


When I read my first Harlan Coben (Miracle Cure) I remember the introduction to the book, where Coben warns readers that there are stereotypes that are very much a part of the period and that he feels a bit ashamed to have included. There was no such warning at the start of Back Spin, and I feel like there really should have been. What he does mention in his intro is the fact that he pretty much hates golf and knows nothing about it. I don't think that even needed to be said because it's clear from just the first chapter.

There's so much to be offended by in this book, from every single portrayal of women, to the stereotypes that surround golfers, Chinese Americans, teenagers, Jews. And that's not even mentioning the fact that almost every line in the 371 pages was a cliche.

I told my boyfriend that I was suffering through the book, and when he asked me why I said that I just wanted to know how it ended. I really wish I hadn't bothered finding out and had just put it down days ago so I could have started something far better far earlier.