A review by breathwords
Keep Me Wild by Raquel Franco


Raquel Franco’s book, Keep Her Wild, reads like a story, each chapter flowing into the next. It starts with Wild Heart, a section dedicated to the (sometimes reckless) souls who run with wolves and chase the wind. It contains my favorite piece in the book, I Will Not Wait. Second is He Loves Me, which is filled with beautiful love poems that make the heart flutter. He Loves Me Not uses powerful imagery to tell of love lost and the pain that comes with it. The piece called She Loved screams from the page with its amazing imagery. The book closes with Lessons for the Wild Heart. She is wiser for having lived through the battle, and this section is all about her growth and what she learned. In each section Raquel combines shorter and longer pieces for a continuous story. She is capable of magic, weaving depth into just a few lines. Lines that leave you wide-eyed and breathless. Her words speak of love, of relationships, of finding and owning your inner strength, of embracing the wildness beating in your heart. It’s a gorgeous book.