A review by thejdizzler
Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson


First part of this was pretty good. Manson describes a philosophy of dating centered around non-neediness, which meant to me basically that you should get your life together first and then approach dating from a position of strength. "I'd like someone to enjoy this awesome life with", rather than "I need to date because I need validation". He also recommends to think about how you go about finding dates: you aren't going to like the girls you meet at bars if you're really just into reading and working out.

But then, in the second-half, where Manson throws that good advice out the window in favor of standard PUA shit (dress better, go to the gym, only night-time dates, escalate to sex as quickly as possible). Unlike other PUA adherents, he's no misogynist, which is good. But I still found myself shaking my head at most chapters in the second part. What if I don't want to sleep with women I don't know that well? What if I think it's actively bad for both parties involved? What if I think this culture of casual sex is actually super-awful for society at large? Manson seems to forget the advice he gave in the first part about picking your demographic, instead focusing solely on what his demographic clearly is.

Although it claims not to be a PUA book, it certainly is. The author is trying to teach you how to get with a women as fast as possible, not to have a fulfilled romantic life. Despite what Manson and society thinks, sex is not just some free fun: it effects you mentally. By encouraging you to basically fuck a bunch of women as fast as possible, Manson not only is encouraging you to (probably) hurt those women, but also destroy your own ability to find long-term love and happiness in a stable relationship.

I didn't realize this when I read Manson's other book, the subtle art of not giving a fuck, but the guy is also a very clear amateur philosopher, who has not really thought deeply about his values. In this book it really shows.