A review by rychelereads
Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner


For fantastic world building - befitting the fantasy, paranormal, AND dystopian genres, and a novel that hits the nail on the head when it comes to young adult fiction, this book deserves a full 5 star rating. This is through and through a YA book, but it manages to AVOID my biggest YA-pet-peeve of poorly developed romance, you know the one-day-Romeo-and-Juliet-esque cliche stuff; none of that from Bones of Faerie, and for it I'm eternally grateful. Why? Because something like that can and often times does take too much away from the whimsical and fantastical aspects of books of the fantasy/paranormal/ya genre, making it more a young romance book with some magic elements thrown in.

But enough with ranting about stuff that doesn't apply to this book, because really Janni Lee Simner doesn't play around when it comes to character relationships. She makes them as real, and painful, and deep, and complex as any real one can possibly be, and then she throws them into a world of crazy and let's them develop "naturally" while we tag along for the crazy ride.

And what a fast-paced, descriptive, and all-in-all surprisingly light-read of a ride it is. I recommend this book to any who enjoy middle-grade through young-adult fantasy fiction. It is strongly advised to all who decide to partake in this journey that you set aside at least 5hrs give or take of your undivided attention to reading this through; if you enjoyed it as much as I did, you won't be able to put it down until it's finished.