A review by katiev
A Dark Sicilian Secret by Jane Porter


This isn't my usual favorite plotline, but it was a nice change of pace and I enjoyed it. I'll have to check out more by this author.

The sex was pretty darn steamy for an HP. I thought the consummation scene was particularly hot if you like the dominating alpha-male thing.

I read through some of the other reviews prior to purchasing this and I'm glad I gave it a chance despite all the anti-heroine sentiments flying around. I expected tstl, but in my opinion that wasn't the case at all. If she had been a "regular person" with no ties to organized crime then I'd say she was pretty darn silly. However, once you learn of her past, the reputation of the H's family and how it intersects with hers - I found it completely understandable (if not always completely rational) for her to panic the way she did. I'm sure she had some PTSD issues, anyone would. Personally, I respected her for putting her child's safety/life first.