A review by kleonard
The Ghost Manuscript by Kris Frieswick


I thought I would like this book-it's got lots of elements I usually enjoy: archives, antiquarian books, manuscripts, lost documents, secret places and things related to history. But alas. It's got too many problems for me to enjoy, starting with the use of the term "Dark Ages," which historians and literature scholars and everyone in the know stopped using years ago because of its problematic assumptions. Right there the book's offended or come across as so poorly researched and written that no one with interests in history would read it. Then there was the claim that Welsh was "incomprehensible." That just turned off all of the language nerds. Then there were the characters, who were right out of central casting and notably lacking in depth. In fact, the main character's complaint that her relationships go nowhere--and/or that she can't maintain relationships--is because she's so flat as a character that there's nothing for anyone to be attracted to. Add to these things a bevy of minor irritations because of lack of research and understanding of the scholarly fields the author is trying to tap into, and the book is a mess.