A review by zare_i
The Midnight Line: A Jack Reacher Novel by Lee Child


I came across this novel while browsing through latest thrillers in a bookstore while on a vacation. I like Jack Reacher, his approach to things and relentless urge to do right thing even if that puts him into the pretty bad spot.

This story starts with Reacher being on a little bit downside. He is contemplating his actions after woman - he was obviously very much into - leaves him because she is not into long term relations (which is funny because Reacher is also rather single-night-affair-only person too). Story between Reacher and the woman seems to be linked to some of the previous novels I am not familiar with, will need to track that one down. So Reacher is feeling downbeat and suddenly comes across something that takes him by complete surprise - a ring that he knows how hard it is to gain.... and he finds it in a pawn shop.

So for no other reason than to force himself to do something meaningful (instead of thinking about the girl that left him) Reacher starts the search for the ring owner because he recons owner must be in some serious issues if ring got pawned. And considering the ring owner and Reacher most definitely share a lot, he feels like he is helping an old estranged friend.

And so story begins.

I liked it, a lot. Not for a story alone but because we see Reacher in a different light even for a relatively short time during his quest. He is no longer just wagabond walking across the country for no specific reason. He is a man who tasted something that he liked but that he lost and he cannot figure out why (although he understands the reasoning). Being a person who never backed off from anything he understands that life goes on and that he cannot change much. But he needs to vent frustration so badly he embarks on a quest of helping unknown person.

And when he vents his frustration that means bad guys gonna fly around like they were kicked by a mule.

That is why I like the character so much - he is paladin-like character. He wanders the world trying to avoid conflict and just observe the people. But as it happens bad things are something he encounters all the time and when that happens he jumps readily in to right things up.

One of the reviewers said Reacher acts like an old man in this novel. I have to agree, he acts with certain level of seriousness that shows his age and life experience. I could not but see him as Clint Eastwood-like character coming across bad guys and teasing them to make his day.

Highly recommended for all thriller fans.