A review by livrosnstuff
Pirate's Persuasion by Lisa Kessler


Pirate's Persuasion is the fourth book in the Sentinels of Savannah, and I haven't read the rest of the series (yet), so bear with me!
The pirate crew of the Sea Dog is immortal because they drank from the Holy Grail approximately 200 years ago. In this book, we will read the story between Drake, one of the pirates, and Heather, a medium who can hear dead people. - She, from what I have gathered, has already appeared in a previous book and met Drake and the crew, though not enough to know their secret.
So Heather was contracted to work appeasing some spirits on Oatland Island and she *sees* the ghost of a little boy, which is not normal for her. This boy asks her to protect his uncle and tell him he didn't blame the uncle for what happened in the past. Heather agrees to pass on the message and is surprised when the kid says his uncle's name is Drake Cole, the guy who saved her life in a previous encounter.
When Heather arrives to deliver said message, Drake surprises her saying that he doesn't have a nephew and then suffers a psychic attack from an unknown source. During this attack, he hears the wail of a banshee, which is believed to precede death, but he can't die.
Together they start investigating who is attacking Drake and why they are doing this.

I adore pirate and ghost stories, so it was no surprise to me when I couldn't drop this book until I finished.
It is the first time I read a book by Lisa Kessler, and I just can't wait to get the rest of this series. The balance between the romance and the investigation was perfect for me. Her writing style is light and pleasing, so Pirate's Persuasion was a quick and easy read for me.
The development in Drake and Heather's relationship was quick and it didn't bother me much, because of a detail in the narrative that was foreshadowed right from the start. Otherwise, I would have thought it too shallow. I think they fell fast for one another and it could be a point of attention.
I like Heather and her nonchalant vibe about her looks, but I just loved Drake. He is the star of the book for me. He is a gentleman, driven, and respects Heather's decisions, even when he doesn't agree with them.

Overall it was a great paranormal romance book and I just can't wait to read (in the correct order this time) the rest of this series! I recommend this book a lot if you like the genre and until the release date, June 22th, you’ll have time to read the whole series!

Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.