A review by kasfire
Goblin King by Kara Barbieri


3.5/5 Stars

In this sequel, we follow Janneke and Soren as they try to find their footing as the new Erl King and Stag. however, Janneke is plagued by Lydian's spirit, and comes to find out she and Soren are destined to destroy the world.

I still love this world and its connection to Norse mythology. However, I thought there was just so much thrown into this novel. Janneke's growth as the Stag is fantastic, and meeting new characters was exciting. But I would have loved Janneke's connection to the Permafrost and to her powers to have been more fleshed out. By the end of the novel it felt more like a deus ex machina at the end.

The plot surrounding her and Soren being destined to destroy the world kept me hooked. I was so invested in their party breaking that destiny. But again, it felt like it needed to be fleshed out more. There were many Norse mythological beings mentioned, but not much of an explanation about them.

Readers are left on a bit of a cliffhanger, and I am interested on where the story will go.

Disclaimer: I received a review copy through NetGalley.