A review by postitsandpens
The Histories by Herodotus


This book has been on my to-read list for over ten years, but I was always rather intimidated by its size. I found that this book is actually quite readable, and appreciated the copious amounts of footnotes included, as I was able to get context and further information as I was reading. (Google also came in handy.) I will say this book is quite dense. It has small font, small margins, and few breaks. It was at times tedious to read, with sometimes entire paragraphs listing places, or a person's ancestors, or detailing at length how soldiers from various places were dressed. It also had humor, a narrator who knows he goes off track and refuses to apologize for it, and lots and lots of backstabbing, in-fighting, and sore feelings between various Greek nations. I'm glad to have finally given it a read, and also pleased that I enjoyed it so much. I do recommend taking this in small chunks if you decide to give it a read, though!