A review by cm_kayla
The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business by Josh Kaufman


This would probably be better as a reference guide or something to pull off your shelf when you need to remember a term. Otherwise it's just like copying terms and their definitions down like in college. I felt like a lot of the info in this book was really basic and stuff that was common sense. To be fair I have a marketing minor, but I felt like a lot of this information I knew before even attempting to go to college. Some of it's really important info, but the sections such as dealing with your own mind and working alone is more for productivity and less having anything to do with business.

I basically skipped a few chapters out of this and kind of skimmed pages at the end because it was getting really repetitive. Overall I took a few pages of notes that will probably be helpful, but as a replacement for a degree? I don't think so, this stuff is so basic.