A review by deathcabforkatey
Astonish Me by Maggie Shipstead


I was a professional ballet dancer for 3ish years (barely professional, but I’ll allow it) so there’s a lot this book got right. The undying love for ballet, the obsession and almost self-destructive way we become about our technique and ability to succeed. This book made my heart ache at times for how much I miss the ballet world. Like an ex-boyfriend, my love for ballet is always there, and I’m always filled with what-ifs about what could have been and this book definitely feeds on that a lot. For that reason I identified a lot with Joan.

This book is really more about ballet drama than ballet, though. The characters are really compelling and it’s very character driven. The crossed love lines are intricate and very deep. A perfect valentines read! I actually really loved the way the book ended. It answered the most important question I (and Joan) had the entire time and it was perfect.

Not sure how I would feel about it if I didn’t love ballet as much as I do, though. Although it was recommended to me by a non-dancer. I’d say it’s definitely time period accurate from the stories I’ve heard/read from the 80s, but my experiences in the ballet world were definitely different. A solid read that made me pine for my previous life as a dancer. Filled me with longing for the what could have been.

Also, I recommend the audiobook! An excellent narrator.

Read if you like: ballet, Soviet-era drama, character driven novels, complex love/family stories.