A review by cakesaretasty3
Jog On: How Running Saved My Life by Bella Mackie


I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would! A friend wanted me to read it, but I misjudged it, thinking it would be another self-indulgent misery memoir. Eventually, I did give in and read it...and I loved it! It’s very honest, funny throughout, and really relatable. And, it breaks through so many mental health stigmas. It can’t have been easy to write, but it’s a beautiful book.

I particularly love that it encourages practical ways forward, and feels bright and hopeful! It’s triggered me to make some changes. I used to run a lot in school (and loved it), I lived for long-distance - it made me feel so good. But then, as an adult I forgot about all that and became too engaged in other things. For the first time in years, while I was reading this book yesterday, I thought back to how much I used to love running and how it sorted my head out every time. So, I found my old trainers (which are 14 years old!) and am going to give it another go! Such a great book for giving hope, I really loved it.