A review by thebookedunicorn
Cold Like Snow by Sita Bethel


Not your typical love story...nope this one has erotic ghosts?

So here we meet Rene, he moves into a new house and suddenly has two invisible roommates that love to play hanky panky with him.

I enjoyed the story, the relationship between Bastion, Marcus and Rene was hot. they were funny together especially Bastion. The characters would grow on you, in a weird way you'll start rooting for Rene to be happy ( i know it doesn't totally make sense but trust me on this one you will). May's the kind of best friend everyone needs, she's fun and caring and she has a mouth on her.

Yes this book defies logic but it does so in an interesting manner, i found myself asking if there are kinky ghosts around me ( meh not possible i mean i would have moved out immediately) and don't act like you haven't thought about it too ( good luck sleeping at night).

The only thing i did not enjoy was it felt a bit repetitive, like different ways to have sex with a ghost. I got tired of reading it at some point, if i wasn't interested to see if my prediction at the end came through i wouldn't have finished it.
The end for me was comical because i saw it coming and i knew what Rene's reaction was going to be. It might be ridiculous at first but if you look at it closely it was the best option ( and of course i'm not telling you what happened you'll just have to read it).
Its a fun story, if you love paranormal stories try this one it's different from what you've read