A review by bentohbox
The Last Stargazers: The Enduring Story of Astronomy's Vanishing Explorers by Emily M. Levesque


Just going to disclaim by saying that the writing style (as I've mentioned in other reviews) is not by any means my favorite.

That being said, this was a great book. Humorous, quaint, emotional, and humanizing. Levesque does an incredible job of detailing the developments of modern astronomy in the most accessible fashion, making it not so much a summation as a journey in and of itself. This is a book you go into not knowing quite what to expect and come out of knowing far more than you could have asked for. The tropes and concepts broken down, alongside the many theories and day-to-day challenges, present an entertaining and informative read, especially for people like myself who can do little more than admire the stars when they're visible above the light pollution many of us live in. There are cute moments that will move you, entertaining, Chaplin-esque situations that will make you laugh, and serious, scientific inquiry that will make you think in ways you've never considered about stellar observation.

It may not be on my "Read Again" list at the moment, but I do think it's worth a read. You won't regret it by any means.