A review by melluuvsbooks
A Lady of the West by Linda Howard


I think if you like cowboys, you'll likely enjoy this. 3.5 stars

It's got the classic Linda Howard mean-ish cool hero. The h spent a lot of time resisting a physical relationship with the H... her resistance and scandalized virgin routine got on my nerves. It's fun at first and then it just becomes tedious.

The first half REALLY drags, but at around 50% it takes off.

The H does something that was almost unforgivable. I was ready to punch him out. Does he "redeem" himself?? Maybe? I guess?


- no cheating/sharing
- OW drama - the h sees the H smexxing up someone else, but it is before they are intimate with each other
- domestic violence - the H hits the h hard enough to knock her to the floor and leave a bruise on her face - because he thinks she's pregnant with someone else's baby
- surprise virgin h
- dubcon/noncon