A review by lcmarie19
How to Say Goodbye by Amber Lin


**This ARC was given to me by the author for review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.**

This was a pretty great story. I really enjoyed the concept and the personalities of the characters. Amber Lin is an author that I'm not familiar with, so it was a pleasure to read a book by her. And she has a really decent writing style. I enjoyed getting to know her writing. It flowed really well, it wasn't a lot of exposition, there was just enough inner dialogue and the perfect amount of outer dialogue. It was just a really fun read.

The main characters, Amy & Dane, are two lost souls looking to find some sort of connection. Amy, coming from a fairly strict household, isn't used to be shown affections (i.e. hugs, holding hands, kisses) - and not just from the opposite sex. Her mother wasn't that great at parenting and abandonde Amy with her Uncle, who ended up raising her. So Amy is trying to figure out life, as a young woman, as an adult on her own.

Dane is a mystery. You know there's more than meets the eye when it comes to him, but I can't discuss too much more about it because his story is part of the plot. He is a really sweet boy, who is just a little lost. And quite prideful, though given the situation that he finds himself in, I completely understand his need to be so. He's definitely trying to hold on to as much dignity as he can.

The sexy times were written really well. Not too graphic, but not too reserved. I enjoy a well-written sex scene and Lin definitely knows what she's doing.

This was a really quick read, I finished it in less than 8 hours. There were times where I felt relationships & happenings were a little too rushed; but even when I thought those things, I didn't think the story wasn't believeable. I enjoyed everything that I read. I believed the story Lin was telling. Amy and Dane were authentic characters to me. The only thing that bothered me were the supporting characters, on both Amy & Dane's sides. I saw no use for them really. Most of the character development for the main character happened when they were with each other. Although, Remy was a pretty good character, I felt like I needed more of him in order for his role to have fully worked for me.

Overall, a really decent read. I enjoyed the story. I enjoyed the journey. I ended the ending. It's almost a 4-star book for me, but I have to give it a 3.5 because while it was good, it lacked a bit of dimension. Minus one little plot twist. But even that could have been expounded upon a little more.