A review by bookishlifeofabbyh
The Frederick Sisters Are Living the Dream by Jeannie Zusy

Deciding to DNF this one. Maybe I will revisit, but it isn't keeping me hooked and I don't like the way that some characters interact with others. I also don't love the R word being in the book (I know that it was a scene set in the past and that was "acceptable" to say in those times, I just think that there could've been another way to describe Ginny, idk maybe that's just me.) I didn't really like any of the characters.

I do think that the author portrayed taking care of someone with different needs and how challenging that can be for someone who isn't licensed (a.k.a a family member) and the tough decisions that one must make, especially when other family members don't agree.

I guess I need someone to really hype this book up for me to finish? I just can't get into it (stopping at 51%)